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Accelerate Learning with Whole Child Data and Actionable Insights

Illuminate provides comprehensive assessment, MTSS collaboration and management, and real-time dashboard tools for data-driven educators.

Discover the Illuminate Solution

The world has changed. There's an even greater need to use data to drive instructional and intervention decisions. Illuminate provides a streamlined solution to help educators assess learning, identify needs, align targeted supports, and monitor growth for each and every student.

Classroom Management
Use powerful gradebook, attendance and reporting tools to record student performance and monitor their scholastic progress
MTSS Solutions
Interactive district-level to whole child data management that strengthens MTSS implementations, including student need identification and intervention effectiveness
Assessment Controls
Highest-quality, standards-based assessments with instant scoring, formative feedback, interactive reporting, and targeted activities
Real-Time Dashboards
Data visualizations that enable administrators to view key data, monitor initiatives via an equity lens, and share information with stakeholders